"Your new program Master Trello for Business is seriously amazing! I have been using Asana so I was a bit skeptical about it at first but you won me over, WOW! Trello for Business has literally been more valuable to me than some 1K courses I've taken."
- Yana Dirkx, The Wed Boutique
“Unless you have perfected your schedule as a creative...I mean PERFECT...then you NEED this class. Rearrange whatever you planned on doing today, enroll in the class and put what you learn into action today. I don't even know how I ever got anything done....It's amazing and I am NOT great with technology, but this course was so easy to understand even I could do it.”
- Taquesha Molina, Courage Molina
"I already use a super expensive catering specific software that is suppose to help with organization, but it doesn't even come close to the actual practical every day help that Trello and the template boards you shared created for me and my business. So awesome!"
- Jessica Miller, SBB Gourmet Catering
“As a virtual assistant, I needed to use Trello in a way that organized all of my clients in one spot. Your Sales Funnels and Current Client boards were GOLD to me. I have been using Trello solely as an editorial calendar prior to taking the course. I didn't realize how functional and versatile it could be. Byebye paper planners - forever!”
- Fiona Benjamin, Fiona Benjamin
““I am a messy, unorganized, procrastinating, easily distracted man by nature and I thought it would remain that way until the day I die. Trello and Trello for business proved me wrong.””
- Stéphane, Oxygami
"I had used Trello, but basically my shit was all over the place and I didn't really have a good grasp on what I was meant to be working on at any one time. Now I feel more on top of my week and bigger plans, and can see how it all fits together.”
- Nell Casey, Nell Casey
“Until these boards came into my life, I was digging through emails and folders trying to find the forms and inspiration, but now it's at my fingertips. The whole course is bananas and I'm so happy that y'all have finally unlocked Trello for me to make it work for my business. Master Trello for Business is a game changer. Total and complete game changer."
- Amanda Woodruff, Leighwood Paperie
““Before Master Trello for Business I was one of those people who even though they tried to be organized it was still a huge mess. I had notebooks, planners, journals, to-do lists, and sticky notes all over the place. I even had Trello but didn’t use it regularly because I didn’t have a real system set up. Once I signed up for Trello for Business all that changed. Now I have everything I need and want to do for my business all in one place for easy access and planning. I can work smarter and not harder which makes me more confident with my business.””
- Ilona Toth, Ilona Toth Creative
"So, I have always been a paper-planner. Here's the thing, though: my planning wasn't working. Cute TDLs and color-coded agendas don't mean shit if you aren't accomplishing anything. I think we lust over outdated organization tools because no one has ever presented a solution that says, "This is how you get shit done, step by step," until you gave us Master Trello for Business. Do this course!”
- Victoria Newborn, Modern Blossoms, 352 Delivery and Visualize Home
““My life was cluttered in lists and ideas that kept floating around in my head, they are now getting the pretty little card and deadline they deserve. And I get to exercise, have my nails done and smell the roses while getting more done.””
- Marie Kenny, Macaroon Republic
The Best Course I’ve Ever Purchased...
"The walkthroughs of the specific boards along with getting copies of each board was both time saving and life-saving. This was by far the best course I have ever purchased on any tool. Extremely professional and so informative. I could not recommend the Trello course any more."
- Glenneth Reed, Your Path to Fit