Master Trello for Business is better than a cold brew after a long day, but it isn’t for everyone. Get answers to frequently asked questions so you can make the best decision for you.
I'm sorry, but seriously: what is Trello?
And why should I even give a flip?
Trello is a totally FREE (yes, free!) online task management tool that’s, like, totally the bomb diggity. While we are not affiliated, associated, authorized, endorsed by or in any way officially connected to Trello, Inc. (www.trello.com), we freaking LOVE it, and we know you will too.
It’s super customizable, pretty, easy to use and has hands down been the reason we’ve been able to get more stuff down while spending less time in our business. Did we mention it’s free?
Ok, wait. I thought Trello was free? But this is $29? I’m confused.
No worries. We get this question a lot. Trello itself is totes free (and can be for life). Our program, Master Trello for Business, is $29 one time. It teaches you how to use Trello to the fullest of its capabilities. We know a lot of people who’ve had Trello accounts for a while, but are still unsure of how to actually use the platform. So that’s what we’re here for.
Is this course for me?
Do you fill up post it notes, notebooks and that dreaded iPhone Notes app (blergh!) with “things to remember”, but then somehow you never, um, know where they actually are? Do you have a metric shit ton (tonne?) of biz tasks to accomplish, but constantly feel like you don’t know what to work on next? Then you need this.
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
But I’m a paper person! I don’t like using these digital task management thingies!
Calm, down boss. We get it. We’re paper hoarders too. We buy notepads and notebooks and journals and special secret diaries just to smell the freshly-printed paper. And snap cute pictures of them so we can give off the illusion that jotting things down in a notepad is actually functional.
But you know it’s not. We know it’s not. If your old school way is working then keep at it sister (or brother). But trust us when we say THIS digital task management system just might convert you to the dark side.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
So did you create Trello?
Nope. We just create a course about how to use Trello. Trello was created by some pretty cool dudes out in New York City and was acquired by Atlassian in 2017. It’s a free project management system that we’ve found (if used properly) can be pretty darn helpful for creative small business owners.
Having technical issues?
Contact Boss Project’s support team at support@bossproject.com and we’ll take care of you right away.
I see that Trello has an upgrade option. Will I need to eventually pay for Trello.
Only if you want to. The cool thing about Trello for Business is that we teach you how to use it on the free version. You can stick with the free version for life (we still use the free version). There are times when it might make sense to upgrade, but we cover all that inside the course.
Yeah, yeah. But what if I think this course sucks?
Well that would suck for a lot of reasons. Mostly because when we see that $29 bucks just landed in our account, we’re already treating ourselves to sushi. It could get really awkward trying to return a half-eaten Spider roll.
So, sorry! We’ll send you a howler Mrs. Weasley style if you need us to give you a kick in the pants to actually use it so you can be uber productive, but we believe in this course 100% (and we also believe in food in our tummies) so use it or lose it, friend. You can do this! We believe in you!
In simple terms, due to the digital nature of this product we DO NOT offer refunds. You can read more about this policy by reviewing our Terms of Service.
I’m sold! I already bought it, but love you guys too much to leave so I want to know what else you offer so I can buy more things.
Yay! You’re so kind! We offer all sorts of knowledge-y goodness that you can check out at academy.thinkcreativecollective.com. If you have any more questions about this course, though we’d be surprised.
Have you read the reviews? If you have a testimonial to add, please make sure you send us yours! Inside the program head to the bonus section and click “Here’s How Trello Changed My Life”.